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Student Assistance Program (SAP)

The Student Assistance Program (S.A.P.) is a way to help teenagers who are having school-related problems.  Problems which can create barriers to learning may include drug and/or alcohol abuse, social and emotional concerns, and those associated with mental health issues.  The S.A.P. is also a method for intervening and referring these students to appropriate community services.  It is an intervention, not a treatment program.

The S.A.P. is a systematic process which makes it possible for school personnel to determine which students may be having problems and refer them for help.  The heart of the program is a Student Assistance Team, which is a core group of school personnel who are specially trained to work with these students.
Any student can be referred to the S.A.P. team.  Referrals can be made by the school staff, a student's parent or guardian, peers, or by the student themselves.  Referrals are made when a student is not meeting academic success due to the possibility of emotional or social concerns.  Once a referral is made, the core team collects information from other members of the staff who have contact with the student.  An interview is conducted with the student after receiving written permission from the student's parent/guardian to present recommendations.  The core team, based upon all information that has been received, contacts the parent/guardian.  The core team continues to monitor the students, provide support for the student, and evaluate the recommendations that were made.  All S.A.P. records are confidential, and are not filed with school records.  Federal law prohibits the disclosure of drug and alcohol assessment results without written permission from the student.

Confidential Referral Form

Clicking the button above will take you to the online confidential referral form.

**You may talk to your teacher or school counselor if you would like more information.
Is it necessary to be specific when filling out a referral form?
YES!  It is very important that the person making the referral to the SAP Team gives a detailed description of the behaviors/signs/etc. being seen by the team.  Please be SPECIFIC in the comment section of the referral form.
What happens when a referral does not receive parent and student permission to participate?  
When a referral is made, but permission is not received from the parent(s) and the student, the student remains on a monitor status.  Treatment services cannot take place without the consent of the student and parent.